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Esther Jeon

If my previous work talked about dreams, now I'm focusing on the theme of words and mixing. I want to express special words in pictures and talk about colors on discarded paper palettes becoming materials and mixing.

You can download the portfolio here

Words : The picture represents the writing

Words have power. I also meet amazing words, so I want to express them all, but I can't express them all in writing, so I express them in pictures.


Palette :  find a mixture of colors on a discarded paper palette

Pallete_S #2_.jpg

<Palette_S #2>, mixed media on paper, 29,7x42cm, 2020

After countless hours of work, the mixing of colors on paper palettes that have always been discarded as trash is very interesting, making it the subject of new work. The palette is only a palette and is used to mix paints.

But when I saw the mix of colors on the palette, it seemed like a pleasant combination of colors that didn't look good at all. Perhaps that's why it became the theme of the new work, and the work is eventually a palette for the work. And an incongruous harmony, abandoned but useful story.

The above works are probably about the same size as paper palettes.

Pallete_s #5_edited.jpg
_Pallete_S  #11__edited_edited.jpg
Pallete_S #12_edited.jpg

<Palette_S #5, #11, #12>, mixed media on paper, 29,7x42cm, 2020

the mixing of paints on the palette


<Palette #12>, mixed media on paper, 50x70cm, 2020

Pallete #5.jpg
Palette #20_edited.jpg
Palette #12_edited.jpg

<Palette #5, #20, #12>, mixed media on paper, 50x70cm, 2020

More than words : More than Picture

under grace

<under grace>, mixed on wood, 60x60cm, 2019

There are things that cannot be expressed in words, and there are things that cannot be expressed in painting. 
That's why I decided to write inspired words and sentences on the painting.

Nevertheless, I cannot express everything.  But if I could draw it in part, how nice it would be to use it!

Jesus is my strength.jpg
Jesus everything.jpg
what an amazing grace_edited.jpg

<Jesus is my strength>, <Jesus>everything>, <what an amazing grace> mixed on wood, 60x60cm, 2019

Jesus>Everything :  Is there anything bigger than everything?


<Jesus>Everything>, mixed media on canvas, 160x160cm, 2020

This work is one of the series <More than words>.  Is there anything bigger than everything? Everything is everything. But if I can express His big heart, I'd say

He's bigger than everything I know. And yes!

All the inspiration for my work comes from Him. The truth that the world knew or didn't know remains unchanged. How nice it would be to find Him through the words and sentences written in the picture!

Rework : So that failure doesn't end in failure


<rework #1>,mixed media on canvas, 150x150cm, 2021
<rework #2>,mixed media on canvas, 150x150cm, 2021

There are times when the end of work seems to be a failure, and it doesn't seem to be done. This series of works couldn't have been completed over the years.

However, when completed with a new task, we find that failure cannot end in failure. It's not a newwork, but i  feel the joy of completion.

Unfinished materials are scattered in every corner of life. If you fail, the best way is to start over with time. It seems to have failed, but it becomes a source of new work. There is no need to be afraid of failure. Because I can start over anytime. Curiously, work and life are very similar.

rework_a man after my own heart.JPG

<rework_a man after my own heart>

mixed media on canvas, 40x40cm, 2021

What we have to throw and to get?

What we have to throw and to get?.jpg

This is the installation work that was exhibited at the Shin Art Museum in Korea.


here are many words on a lot of paper. There are things to throw and things to get in those words. In the back video, my video work "Tschüss Geiz!" is playing together.

Life is a series of many words. Life is impossible without words and language. This word also has feelings. Feelings to throw away, feelings to hold on to hold on.  Then we'll have to hold onto something we have to hold on to...And the courage to throw away the things that need to be thrown away. 

What we have to throw and to get?.jpg

<What we have to throw and to get?>, Installation, 2013, Shin Art Museum, Korea

Tschüss Geiz!


This work was my first video project. It is a process in which I throw off my wishes bit by bit. Balloons, they say.

Are the memories of our childhood. But at some point these balloons have become wishes / desires (?).  But is it even possible not to have any desires / desires? The inability to let go of the last balloon is self-evident / natural (It goes without saying that one cannot let go of / throw away one's last balloon.)

Therefore, this one last balloon can never  gain a negative meaning. Yesterday I discovered something new in conversation with my mother: "This last balloon can become a wish as well as a hope for you".  I agree with mom's words.

Video capture <Tschüss Geiz!>

<Tschüss Geiz!>, video, 13:39, 2007

I dream myself.

I look up the word dream "in the dictionary. It has a similar meaning in Korean, English and German.

Dream means.

1. Images, thoughts, feelings that one has while sleeping

2. A great wish  senseless thoughts

3. The senseless thoughts

This word in particular has three representative meanings. You can feel that there is a double meaning in all of these three so fundamentally different meanings: Something is present and yet also future, something is impossible and yet also possible.We can shape our dreams ourselves - like a balloon - small or large. Does this mean that dreams ultimately depend on one's will?

<I dream myself>, video, 2:06, 2008 

John 3,16

The biggest reason why I became interested in the topic of words is the word of God. These incredible words, these incredible words have power. It moves me. Perhaps that's why I thought about expressing John 3:16. Of course, I can't express everything. A painting is a praise and a proclaim.


I hope the power of these words that the world thinks are boring can be conveyed well. Read this sentence that moves us unchangingly.

John 3,16_edited.jpg

<John 3,16>, Oil on Canvas, 160x160cm, 2019

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